Civil Service Advisory Council Minutes Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:00am- PAC Conference Room 4E Present: Bobbie Fults, Darlene Harris-Kresse, Amber Pyle, Tracey Rakes, Janice Marvel, Patricia Young, Denise Rothenbach, Toni Langdon, Jo Barnard Excused Absences: CJ Castelletti, Debbie Dove, Dawn Orlove Call to order: 10:16am **Had to move rooms as there was a scheduling conflict.—we met in PAC4E. Approved Agenda for this meeting: YES with date & room change. Motion by Darlene, 2nd by Patti. Motion carried. Approved minutes from last meeting: Yes. Motion by Darlene, second by Janice. Motion carried. Announcements: Debbie and Dar’s last meeting so treats brought in by Bobbie. We also welcomed back Jo Barnard. It was discussed that Keith Mc Math was leaving UIS—June 13th. This began the first of many—well not me, I won’t be here anymore—by Dar. Old business: * 1 year appointment Elections: we elected and voted on Traci Rakes & Lindsey Meece were unanimously approved by voting to fill the 1 year vacancies. * End of year spending-it was decided that Denise will buy items for the fundraiser that can be kept until the event. Denise will work with Jackie on the best way to get the items purchased. New business: * Elections: 10 People have submitted applications for 8 open spots. We need to have HR keep the listing of the number of votes for the two that do not get in, in order to fill any vacancies that may occur during the year. Voting will be electronic---and be held June 10-12. * EAC Meeting Hosting: Looking to secure room and Randy has been emailed. Meeting is July 17 & 18th—this is also Orientation. * Professional Development: Laura signed off on it and it is up in the Chancellors office for review and approval. * CARE September 24th: Will work on after the new council set in July. Chancellor’s Report: – Ed Wojcicki out, no report. Human Resources Report: – Laura Alexander stated there have been a lot of employee issues that have needed her attention. Flat funding for next year. Smoking policy will be coming up again as this is being voted on by the legislature. Treasurer’s report: – Denise Rothenbach—we have $220 left to spend. Will be spending it on items for Fundraiser in Fall. Committee reports APAC – Jo Barnard-nothing to report. CARE committee – Bobbie Fults-after July when new council set. CSAD committee – Bobbie Fults- after July when new council set. Campus Senate – Kurt Piskin-nothing to report Campus Technology – Janice Marvel-no meeting. SURS – Janice Marvel-lots going on with the legislative updates and retirements. SUCSAC – Denise Rothenbach—meeting here next month. UIEAC – Bobbie Fults (President), Janice Marvel (SURSMAC), Denise Rothenbach, (SUSAC)-held electins and next meeting in August. Parking Appeals and Advisory Board – Darlene Harris-Kresse and Debbie Dove-wondering who will be handling this—as Dar brought up again—It won’t be her!!!!! Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity and Access – Dianne Morse and Maire Fox—Diane out for 6-8 weeks & Mairie will not be on this group any longer. Sustainability –CJ Castelletti-nothing. Student Discipline Committee – Amber Pyle and Tracy Rakes-nothing. Webmaster- Toni Langdon-up to date. Discussed that Toni (Illinois Issues) moved to WUIS building. Fundraising Committee-nothing—will start up after elections and new council set. Meeting adjorned at 12:03 pm Minutes submitted by Denise Rothenbach.