CSAC Agenda Wednesday February 4, 2015 10:00 AM PAC 4E Excused Absences: Jo Barnard, Tracy Rakes I. Call to order II. Approve agenda III. Approve minutes IV. Announcements V. New business a. Exec Board Meeting with Chancellor, 3/6/15 b. Email from UI President VI. Old business a. Fundraising Effort b. Professional Development Funds c. Welcome Initiative APAC VII. Chancellor’s report – No rep assigned yet VIII. Human Resources report IX. Treasurer’s report – Denise Rothenbach X. Committee reports a. APAC – Jo Barnard; APAC Rep needed b. CARE committee – Bobbie Fults c. CSAD committee – Bobbie Fults d. Campus Senate – Kurt Piskin (2 year term ends in 2016) e. Campus Technology – Janice Marvel (up 2015) f. SURS – Janice Marvel-(term through 2016) g. SUCSAC – Jamie Voyles h. UIEAC – Bobbie Fults (President), Janice Marvel (SURSMAC), Jamie Voyles, (SUSAC)-term? i. Parking Appeals and Advisory Board – Tracy Rakes and Dawn Orlove i. Alternates: Lindsey Meece, Amber Pyle j. Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity and Access – Kelly Walraven and Eric Needham k. Sustainability –CJ Castelletti (term through 2016) l. Student Discipline Committee – Amber Pyle and Tracy Rakes (term through 2015) m. Webmaster- Toni Langdon n. Fundraising Committee-Denise Rothenbach, Janice Marvel, Kelly Walraven, Joanne Hoagland o. Campus Planning and Budget- Jamie Voyles p. Professional Development- CJ Castelletti, Janice Marvel, Denise Rothenbach, Jo Barnard, Bobbie Fults