Civil Service Advisory Council MINUTES Wednesday, December 7, 2011 10:00 a.m. – PAC 4E Present: Lori Atkinson, Clay Bellot, CJ Castelletti, Debbie Dove, Bobbie Fults, Laura Laurenzana, Jamie McGill, Dawn Orlove, Marcia Rossi, Denise Rothenbach, Jay Simpson, and Jill Stoops Absent: Ann Cole, Darlene Harris-Kresse, Toni Langdon, and Janice Marvel Guests: Ed Wojcicki and Bob Lael Call to Order: 10:02 a.m. Approve Agenda for this meeting: Yes. Motion by Denise, second by Debbie. Motion carried. Approve Minutes from last meeting: Yes. Motion by Debbie, second by Denise. Motion carried. Announcements: None New Business: 1. Retirement Gifts. Current retirement gift is a silver bowl and the feedback has been negative. Faculty and staff members are not attending the retirement ceremony because they don’t want the bowl. CSAC will send a recommendation along with a couple ideas to the Chancellor. 2. SUCSS Audit. Final results are still not available. There are concerns with the new job titles that AP staff will be moved into. Human Resources will be responsible for analyzing each position to determine what is appropriate for each one. 3. January meeting will be cancelled due to the holidays. Old Business: 1. Scholarship Application Information. An email announcement about the scholarship was sent to faculty and staff. Bobbie spoke with the financial aid office about updating the name and eligibility wording. Chancellor’s Report – Ed Wojcicki 1. Provost Search. Documents are being finalized. National search should being in a few weeks. There will probably be no major activity until March. 2. Charlene Lambert is retiring at the end of December. Her position will be posted soon as an internal search. 3. The Chancellor is wrapping up her personal goals for the campus with President Hogan. She wants them to be transparent for the campus. HR Report – Bob Lael 1. Retirement changes will likely be coming next fiscal year due to the state’s problems. 2. Benefit choice period will probably be worse next year because of some contract changes and budget. There will be 2 choice periods again next year. Treasurer’s Report – Debbie Dove – No report Committee Reports: APAC – Toni Langdon 1. Discussed the Enrollment Management Report. 2. Discussion about the 39 AP positions that are to be moved to civil service positions 3. The APAC holiday party will be held December 14, 2011. CARE – Ann Cole – No Report CSAD – Bobbie Fults – No Report Campus Senate – Lori Atkinson 1. Bobbie contacted Tih-Fen to get a copy of the Campus Senate minutes but they were unavailable. The Campus Senate website does not have minutes of the last 3 meetings posted. 2. Enrollment Management Report was discussed. Campus Technology – Janice Marvel (report given by Clay) 1. Upcoming Blackboard upgrades 2. Web services is working on accessibility 3. Compared to UIUC and UIC, UIS was twice as high with online enrollments SURS – Janice Marvel – No Report SUCSAC – Denise Rothenbach 1. Will be losing a lot of long time members due to retirement UIEAC – Bobbie Fults (President), Janice Marvel (SURSMAC), Denise Rothenbach (SUSAC) 1. Meeting will be December 15, 2011 Parking Appeals and Advisory Board – Darlene Harris-Kresse & Debbie Dove – No report Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity & Access – Veronica Espina & Gloria Newton Davlantis Sustainability – Laura Laurenzana 1. Spring ’12 Earth Week will coincide with Springfest this year. 2. Food service is hoping to use more local products and is also looking at the possibility of planting a garden. Non-monetary Compensation – Jamie McGill & Bobbie Fults 1. Still gathering data to show the benefits of an employee wellness plan. Student Discipline – Marcia Rossi & Jay Simpson – No report Webmaster – Toni Langdon – No Report Silent Auction – Darlene Harris-Kresse & Debbie Dove 1. Have received some donations but definitely need more. Meeting adjourned at 11:04 Minutes submitted by Dawn Orlove – CSAC Secretary 1