ALMSD | Art, Literature, Music in Symbolism and Decadence: Board of Directors

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Board of Directors

  • President and Membership Director:
    Rosina Neginsky
    University of Illinois at Springfield
    Rosina Neginsky is an Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies. She teaches comparative literature and art history at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Her area of expertise is English, French and Russian art and literature between 1850-1920. She is the author of the book, Zinaida Vengerova: In Search of Beauty. A Literary Ambassador between East and West, which underwent two editions. She has authored numerous articles on Russian and European artists, poets and writers. She is particularly interested in pictorial and ekphratic representations in literature in the second part of the 19th century. She is in the process of completing a new book, Salome: An Image of a Woman Who Never Was. She authored three books of poetry, Dancing Over the Precipice, Under the Light of the Moon, and Juggler; organized and curated two art exhibits: Alexandra Pregel: A Search for Self and Sergei Chepik: Between East and West; and organized the international interdisciplinary conference, Symbolism, Its Origins and Its Consequences, which is the basis for the volume Symbolism, Its Origins and Its Consequences. She is the president and founder of an international interdisciplinary organization Art, Literature, Music in Symbolism and Decadence (ALMSD). She has received numerous awards from National Endowment for Humanities and IREX, and is a recipient of the University Scholar Award, the most prestigious University of Illinois award which celebrates intellectual and creative achievements of the University of Illinois faculty.
  • Secretary:
    Deborah Cibelli
    Nicholls State University
    School of Fine Arts
    Dr. Deborah Cibelli, a professor of Art at Nicholls State University, received her PhD in art history from the State University of New York at Binghamton. She has taught courses on Renaissance art and Contemporary theory in the United States and abroad and has been a recipient of the Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence at Nicholls. Her research has been presented nationally at College Art Association conferences and internationally at Renaissance Society of America conferences and other venues. Her publications include contributions to Italian Drawings from the Sixteenth Century: A Corpus of Drawings in Midwestern Collections, Heart of fact the visionary environment of Kenny Hill, and Ekphrasis in the Age of Cervantes.
  • Editor:
    Brendan Cole
    Eton College
    ContentCompleted a Fine Art undergraduate degree majoring in History of Art and Psychology at Rhodes University; Completed Honours Degree at University of Witwatersrand with a thesis on the image of the /Androgyne in the work of the Symbolist painter Fernand Khnopff/; Masters degree in History of Art (University of Cape Town), Masters thesis was on the image of the Feminine in Symbolist Art; a Doctorate form Christ Church, University of Oxford studying the life and work of the Symbolist painter and poet, Jean Delville. Tutored at the University of Cape Town and Oxford, and taught as an assistant lecturer for the Open University. Worked as a Curator at the William Fehr Collection (Cape Town) and at Knowsley Hall. Currently teaches History of Art at Eton College.
  • American Adviser to the Organization:
    Liana De Girolami Cheney
    UMASS Lowell,
    Dr. Liana De Girolami Cheney, Professor of Art History, Chairperson of the Department of Cultural Studies, Coordinator of Art History and Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, received her PhD from Boston University. She is author and coauthor of numerous books and articles, including, /Religious Architecture of Lowell; James Abbott McNeill Whistler Papers; James Abbott McNeill Whistler and His Birthplace; Andrea del Verrocchio's Celebration:1435-1488; Botticelli's Neoplatonic Images; Neoplatonism and the Arts; Neoplatonic Aesthetics in Literature, Music and the Visual Arts; The Paintings of the Casa Vasari; Readings in Italian Mannerism; The Homes of Giorgio Vasari (English and Italian); Self-Portraits of Women Painters; Essays of Women Artists: 'The Most Excellent;'// Symbolism in the Arts; Pre-Raphaelite Medievalism; Giorgio Vasari's Teachers: Sacred and Profane Love;" Giuseppe Arcimboldo: The Magic Paintings; and Giorgio Vasari's Prefaces: Art and Theory./ Her forthcoming books are on Giorgio Vasari's History Paintings and Edward Burne-Jones' Mythological Paintings.
  • European Advisor to the Organization:
    Claire Barbillon
    Université de Poe

    Docteur en histoire de l'art contemporain, (thèse soutenue en 1998), Claire Barbillon a été responsable du secteur des publications au musée d'Orsay de 1991 à 1998, pensionnaire à l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art de 1999 à 2001, puis maître de conférences à l'université de Bordeaux III - Michel de Montaigne. Elle est actuellement maître de conférences à l'université de Paris Ouest – La Défense et directrice des études de l'Ecole du Louvre.

    Elle a édité la correspondance du sculpteur A. Préault (Gallimard/ RMN 1997), réalisé une édition critique de la Grammaire des Arts du dessin de Charles Blanc (éditions de l'ENSBA, 2000), publié un commentaire des lettres illustrées de Van Gogh en 2003 aux éditions Textuel, qui ont également fait paraître son entretien avec Roland Recht/ A quoi sert l'histoire de l'art ?/ en 2006. Son principal ouvrage, /Les Canons du corps humain au XIXe siècle, l'Art et la règle,/ est paru aux éditions Odile Jacob en 2004. Elle a complété l'étude de la place du canon de proportions dans les théories d'art sacré par une contribution à une exposition allemande : « Die Schule von Beuron und die Nabis :
    spirituelle Gemeinsamkeiten, theoretische Übereinstimmungen », dans Avangardist Malermönch, Peter Lenz und die Beuroner Kunstschule, catalogue de l'exposition d'Engen, 31 mars-1er juillet 2007, Hildesheim, By Quensen, 2007.

    Elle a par ailleurs longuement collaboré à la publication électronique d'une base de données,/ A nos grands hommes/, consacrée à la statuaire publique aux XIXe et XXe siècles (Projet associé Musée d'Orsay / INHA, publication 2004).

    Ses travaux de recherche actuels portent sur deux domaines, l'histoire de la sculpture au XIXe siècle et l'histoire de l'histoire de l'art.
    Dans le premier domaine, elle s'intéresse particulièrement au relief sculpté, auquel elle a consacré récemment plusieurs articles.

    Dans une perspective historiographique, elle a récemment publié, avec Roland Recht, Philippe Sénéchal et François-René Martin le volume /Histoire de l'histoire de l'art en France au XIXe siècle/, actes du colloque tenu en juin 2004, co-organisé par le Collège de France et l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris, La Documentation française, 2008. Elle a approfondi certaines études prosopographiques, par exemple celle de « Georges Lafenestre, un historien de l'art « exemplaire » du XIXe siècle français ».

    Elle dirige également avec Philippe Sénéchal le Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art actifs en France de la Révolution à 1920, édition électronique de l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art, dont la première mise en ligne date du 26 mars 2009.

Tax Exempt:

Art, Literature, Music in Symbolism and Decadence is a Tax Exempt organization. Donation to the organization can be used as charitable contributions when filing taxes.

ALMSD Tax Exempt Letter [PDF, 2.6MB]

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